A grocery store in Highland Park? Yep. Holly Martin recently started the Chattanooga Sustainable Food Center, a non-profit which focuses on food access, education, and engagement in regional agriculture. Holly recently secured a location within the St. Andrew's Center in Highland Park for the operations of Gaining Ground Grocery to begin. A small, local food-focused grocery store, Gaining Ground will act like a brick and mortar farmers market, with extended hours and nutrition incentives for low income customers.

The two priorities of the grocery will be focused on working with local growers and making the food at the store affordable for the surrounding community. Gaining Ground will provide an outlet for fresh produce in a food desert where options for healthy food are very limited. The grocery space is walkable to Highland Park Commons, close to CARTA bus lines, includes a small parking lot, and features a handicap accessible ramp. Its intent is to be inclusive and welcoming to anyone that chooses to shop there. It will also intend to be guided by community input for featured products. You can take part in that feedback here.

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