Art supplies + groceries for the win. AIM Center is a psychosocial rehabilitation, utilizing the Clubhouse Model, to offer employment, education, housing, socialization, and wellness opportunities for adults living with serious mental illness. They help adults in the Chattanooga community lead fulfilling and productive lives while successfully managing their mental health through engaging in meaningful work and relationships in the Clubhouse community.

Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the AIM Center since 3/17/20, members have continued to be engaged by staff through tele-health services, however, the majority of members are without internet access and operating without a personal cell phone. This leaves them isolated.

Curbside Connection is the solution program manager, Lucy White, had in mind. With our $3,000, a few key things will happen. Art supplies will be distributed to AIM Center member artists, gotta keep the creative juiced flowing to manage stress. Daily “Curbside Coffee and Connection” in AIM’s parking lot as well as six different group homes in which AIM Center Members reside. Weekly wellness walks with healthy snacks provided and weekly social distancing grill-outs at AIM Center’s four Housing Properties.

Budget breakdown is $2,500 for groceries, $300 for gas and $200 for art supplies. The 205 Chattanooga residents living with severe and persistent mental illness will greatly benefit from this outreach.
