Lead in drinking water is bad. It can cause childhood lead poisoning which results in developmental delays, especially in children under the age of six. Lead in drinking water has been found in several schools in Hamilton County and has been addressed through remediation (water source taken out of service until fixed). Lead testing in schools is required by the state. However, lead testing is not required in childcare centers, where the most vulnerable children spend their time. The EPA funded the state of Tennessee five years ago to offer free lead testing of drinking water to licensed childcare centers. Unfortunately, very few centers have done the testing; only 3 in Hamilton County over a 5-year period of time through August 2022.

Enter UTC students. UTC has an agreement with TDEC and a small amount of funding of $12,750 to reach out to childcare centers about the free testing available. The funding pays students to work on the project ($15/hour). Since August 1st, they have been reaching out to centers in Hamilton County about the lead testing. Less than 20 centers agreed to test (of nearly 200), and only 9 actually sent water samples to the state lab. Students can collect the water samples and mail them to the lab, or Center staff can do it themselves. They have tried getting the word out through media outlets, including a front-page story in the Times Free Press.

Why aren’t centers agreeing to the free testing? Center directors are busy, it is not required, and it takes some work on their end. Also, if a center has elevated lead, they will be required to take the water source out of service until it is fixed – so there is a lot on the line for something that is not required.

Enter us. $1,500 went to buy $50 gift cards to incentivize the childcare center directors to participation in the program. With the gift cards, the focus will be on low-income areas first (South Chattanooga, East Lake, etc), where children are most at risk.
