Get ready for a story splashed with vibrant colors and empowered teens! Be The Change, a nonprofit in Red Bank, Tennessee, is on a mission to empower youth through art and mental health advocacy, and the UNFoundation is proud to be their paintbrush partner.

Think about it: local artists sharing their stories and skills with high schoolers at Red Bank High and Soddy Daisy Middle School? It's happening! These students are discovering how art can heal, inspire, and even build businesses. Soon, Be The Change will be fueling student entrepreneurship by helping them set up shop. Imagine a youth-powered art gallery at The Meeting House, a buzzing coffee spot in Red Bank. Sounds pretty awesome, right?

But it's not all about masterpieces. These projects have a deeper purpose: 75% of the art sales will go directly to the artists and instructors, budding entrepreneurs themselves. The remaining 25% becomes a scholarship fund, launching a Red Bank senior's artistic dreams into the real world.

We believe in the power of art to heal, inspire, and empower. That's why we're thrilled to support Be The Change with a $1,500 grant, fueling their workbook printing and that stunning gallery wall at The Meeting House.
