We’ve all heard of the the school-to-prison pipeline, right? For low-income and minority communities expulsions and suspensions are one of the key contributors. Data from the Tennessee Department of Education and Hamilton County Schools (HCS) indicates that black students are four times more likely to receive suspensions than white students. In 2019, HCS was reprimanded by the state's education department for inequitable disciplinary treatment of minority students and those with disabilities. These facts speak to the need for discipline reform in HCS. So how?

CALEB is creating a documentary to show school board members, educators and staff how the use of restorative practices reduce the numbers of behavior referrals leading to suspensions and expulsions. Who is CALEB, anyway? CALEB is an institutional coalition of faith-based, labor, and community groups working to build power to affect change in Chattanooga.

Our $3,000 grant will be used for two dinner/documentary viewing parties showcasing restorative practices at Orchard Knob Elementary School. The two schools will be in Hamilton County school zones where “out of classroom” times (suspensions, expulsions, juvenile court referrals, etc.) are prevalent.
